A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner takes a bio-individual holistic approach to balancing health. We do this through nutrient dense foods and lifestyle behaviors. Which means that everyone is unique and so is the course of action in working with each client. We address the root cause of your symptoms, go in depth on your health history, family history and genetics, diet, sleep, movement, environment, and more! Using that information to create a nutrition plan for each individual.

I know what it feels like to be ignored and gaslit in healthcare settings. I’ve dealt with a lot of frustration on my own health journey. That’s why it’s a priority of mine to make sure my clients always have a voice in working together as a partnership. Taking control of your health can feel like an uphill battle at times. If you have the right people in your corner to guide you and listen, it can make it less daunting.

nutritional therapy practitioner

How Nutrition Can Balance Systematic Dysfunction

When we think about nutrition it’s usually what our doctor makes us give up or fad diets/trends. I was never taught about nutrition growing up and how food directly impacts your health. The saying you are what you eat is true, but it’s also about functionality. There are Six Basics of Nutrition that effect every system in the body including the Endocrine System. It’s common for symptoms to usually be addressed and not the root cause in many cases.

For instance, you might be feeling nauseous and have headaches or wake up groggy. Instead of figuring out why, we just grab another cup of coffee, take over-the-counter meds, and call it a day. The basics of nutrition are how you start to promote balance in the entire body. As an NTP we work from a cause and effect approach. For more on the Basics of Nutrition check out my post all about it!

nutritional therapy practitioner

Balance Hormones With Nutrition

Food plays a huge role in the entire body but how does it impact the endocrine system? 

Mineral deficiencies, digestive dysfunction, lack of fatty acids, results in the body isn’t able to absorb the nutrients it needs to function efficiently. It’s kind of like driving your car when the check engine light came on and you’re speeding down the highway seeing smoke come out of the hood. The body in a lot of ways is a machine in that it needs certain things to run and get from point A to point B without malfunctions happening.

A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner can start at the root causes of an imbalance to address the dysfunction head on. Creating an individualized nutrition plan, making referrals, and recommendations are part of my role as an NTP.

In addition to being a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am going through continuing education to incorporate more training on the endocrine system. As a Functional Hormone Specialist, I dive in to hormone imbalances, specific conditions, hormone testing, and balance through nutrition.

For more info on hormones visit my post Women And The Endocrine System.

Ready To Balance Your Hormones?

Hormones control every aspect of our day to day choices, moods, partners, activities, food, careers, and sex life. Take control of your body and your hormones. Reach out to chat with Sam about your needs and getting started!